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Jaguar Spirit

Jaguar Spirit is a new collection under the Jaguar Eyewear umbrella that caters to youthful, metropolitan men. Angular, progressive shapes combine with rich colorations including atypical men’s shades such as blues and reds to provide for a truly original collection. With subtle, creative treatments gracing each model, Jaguar Spirit maintains the brand’s penchant for outstanding detailing. As with Jaguar’s classic collection, all styles maintain the highest levels of quality and are manufactured by German based company Ferdinand Menrad GMBH.

$200 to $300 Jaguar Spirit

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Jaguar Spirit
About Jaguar Spirit

Jaguar Spirit is a new collection under the Jaguar Eyewear umbrella that caters to youthful, metropolitan men. Angular, progressive shapes combine with rich colorations including atypical men’s shades such as blues and reds to provide for a truly original collection. With subtle, creative treatments gracing each model, Jaguar Spirit maintains the brand’s penchant for outstanding detailing. As with Jaguar’s classic collection, all styles maintain the highest levels of quality and are manufactured by German based company Ferdinand Menrad GMBH. All Jaguar Spirit items, including Jaguar Spirit eyewear and Jaguar Spirit glasses, are authentic and brand new.